Adult Education

Connect, Learn, Grow

Sunday Adult Classes 

Adult classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15am. Their purpose is to exalt Jesus and to keep Him at the center of our lives. Our desire is to equip and encourage people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. It is also an opportunity for people to connect in a smaller setting beyond the large church gathering.

We have ongoing classes that meet throughout the year as well as four to six-week elective classes to help people know Him better, understand and apply the Word to everyday living and to learn life skills for living in the family of Jesus as well as in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and community. 

No registration is necessary for our Sunday classes unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to simply show up any Sunday and give them a try. We certainly hope you do!

For more information, please contact  .

Connection Point Class

Facilitated by Don Westerberg
Deschutes Room; 9:15am Sundays

Connection Point is taking a break for the summer. Check back for our new topic and new September restart date.

Living the Sermon on the Mount

Hosted by the Come and See Class
Facilitated by Dick Middlebrooks
Columbia Room

What would it look like if we really decided to live out “The Sermon” in Matthew 5-7 to its full obedience? How might it transform us, our relationships, our work, our service, and our world? This weekly Sunday morning discipleship opportunity based on the Sermon on the Mount meets at 9:15am in the Columbia Room. An opportunity for non-Christians to mature Christians to both humbly engage in the invitational words of Jesus.

GP Connect

Are you new to the church or haven't yet connected to a small group? Then this class is tailor-made for you!

Check back to see when the next class is scheduled to start!

Want to get connected beyond Sunday morning?