WatchListenDownloadFeb 09, 2025A Community Mobilized for War...We Are Forewarned and ForearmedSpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadFeb 02, 2025Key Relationships in a Master-Planned Community...Kids and ParentsSpeaker: Oliver Brune
WatchListenDownloadJan 19, 2025Key Relationships in a Mater-Planned Community...What's a Husband to do?Speaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadJan 12, 2025Key Relationships in a Mater-Planned Community...What's a Wife to do?Speaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadJan 05, 2025Storm Warning...Justice in a Master-Planned CommunitySpeaker: Mike Smith
WatchListenDownloadNov 24, 2024New Standards and the Power to Change...How (Not) to Live in a Master-Planned CommunitySpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadNov 17, 2024Leveraging Your Differences to Grow a New CommunitySpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadNov 10, 2024Unity...How to Get Along With Your New NeighborsSpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadNov 03, 2024The Ultimate in Benefits and Purpose in the Master Planned CommunitySpeaker: Mike Smith
WatchListenDownloadOct 27, 2024Telling Our Friends About the Master-Planned CommunitySpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadOct 20, 2024No Insiders or Outsiders…Oldtimers and Newcomers Have the Same BenefitsSpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadOct 13, 2024Before and After Photos in the Master Planned CommunitySpeaker: Tom Tunnicliff
WatchListenDownloadOct 06, 2024Amenities, Privileges, and Customer Support for New MembersSpeaker: Wayne Williams