The 55 plus community of Greater Portland is coming together to Help People Follow Jesus Together.
We connect with one another through planned events.
Workshops are planned throughout the year to provide resources through networking with ministries in our community as well as outside our community.
This community desires to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and to be an example to the generations that follow!
Coming Events
We're excited to announce several events this fall, winter, and spring.
Lunch Plus Events
May 14 - Spring Fling Wednesday: Lunch + Flowers
Games and Lunch
March 9 - Lunch and a fun afternoon sharing your favorite game
Spring Workshops: Heath Challenges
April 5 - Two seminars with health-related subjects.
More details to come for each of these events, but if they look like something you want to do, be sure to put them on your calendar. Remember to "SAVE THE DATE!"
Previous Events
Recorded Presentation: "Unraveling Senior Living Options"
Presented by Shari Levelle from 1st CHOICE Advisory Services (serving Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill counties), this presentation was recorded on Sunday, November 14 at Greater Portland Bible Church.
Take the first step in learning about the many myths and truths regarding senior living options. It is important to be prepared, before the need is upon us, to help our loved ones, neighbors and friends, and even ourselves, navigate the numerous choices in senior living.
Audio Recording PowerPoint Handout
Helpful Resources
Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon