A Gathering of Men (AGOM)

Second Saturday of the month, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Columbia Room
Every second Saturday of the month, starting June 8, men and sons are invited to gather from 8:00-10:00am in the Columbia Rm for an opportunity for men that includes a bite to eat, a study in God’s word, and a time of fellowship. We believe it is important as Christian men to develop the kind of relationships with other men that will help us, “so that [we] would walk in a manner worthy of our God who calls [us] into His own kingdom and glory” ( I Thess 2:12). The chaotic conditions in our world challenge our journey as Christians. It is our hope that your hope in Christ will give you the strength to enjoy all the fullness of life He has planned for you. The initial study will be in I & II Thessalonians, and we will make optional study material available for you to read and study on your own. There is no cost and no advance registration or RSVP needed. Contact Richard McElroy ( ) or David McLaren ( ) for more information. Come and stand in hope with us.