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Echo Chambers

Posted by Vincent Hollingsworth on

By Vincent Hollingsworth--

Have you heard of the expression of being stuck in an “echo chamber?" Have you ever been accused of being in one? Well, I hope not because it was an accusation, not a compliment.

For those of us who aren’t familiar with the term, allow me to break out some Wikipedia on you: “In discussions of news media, an echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal...Echo chambers may increase social and political polarization and extremism.”

Wow, none of that sounds good unless you’re someone who is afraid of mixing in any new ideas.

On the other hand, echo chambers are very useful when you are looking for pure sound. Recording artists know this well because it allows for unobstructed recordings.  

For the rest of us however, being in an echo chamber can indicate fear of ideas, a closed mind, self-flattery…none of which is ideal for Kingdom builders. Isn’t being open-minded a fundamental disposition of the Believer? How else could we have heard the call of our Great Father?

The other day I was accused of living in an echo chamber by someone who is very close to me. Ouch. Oh man that hurt (it was crushing, actually). Hearing those words attributed to me makes my skin crawl. So, if you want to get under my skin, now you know how.  

As much as I detest echo chambers, I can’t help but know that I have been in them at times throughout my faith journey, especially during my “infant” and “toddler” years. I would hear or come to some Bible interpretation and protect that understanding as if it was a helpless baby. Until I had a sense that my understandings could hold up to all scrutiny, I would shield myself from opposing ideas. While there is some utility in doing that in a moment, it’s no way to live.

The Church can be, and has at times become, as much of an an echo chamber as MSN, CNN, or Fox News can be. However, if we are charged with bringing a fresh gospel to those outside of the church, we cannot afford to do that. Our message - God’s message - will not be heard and taken seriously if it comes from our insulated bubble perspective. As Bible translators and teachers (of which we all are on some level), we need to be familiar with and engaged in the secular world’s ideas if we are going to combat them. 

Make no mistake, the secular world can be an echo chamber too. So, don’t get stuck there either. The cost is your very soul. There, the rule is all ideas are on the table and discernment about ideas is out! Everything is okay if “you are living your true self.” This sounds eerily like what Adam and Eve did in the garden. This is a reckless place to live.

So, how do we find some balance in how we evaluate all ideas without getting caught in any echo chamber? 

From cliché: “Be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brain falls out.”  

From Scripture: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2 ESV.

There is a battle for hearts and minds. Ideas are our weapons.   

Be a thinker of God’s Word to us. That means being a reader and listener. Be a student, then be a teacher. Be a communicator of discernment. When the world’s ideas come crashing down (as they surely will), be in position to lift those who are falling down with them. Those folks need to know what you know.


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