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Loving our Neighbors at Family Jam

Posted by Sally Bland on

By Sally Bland--

How do we love our neighbors? In Mark 12:31, Jesus says to "love your neighbor as yourself." I have seen our church do this well by providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the community! Meeting those needs is an important part of loving our neighbors, but there are other ways people express and experience love.

When James and I were newly married, we took a class on The Five Love Languages book by Gary Chapman. If you have never read the book, the five love languages he describes are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Over the years, I have discovered my top two love languages are Quality Time and Acts of Service. If you really want to overflow my love meter, serve with me in ministry or volunteer with me in the community! I love the fact that my entire family (James, Isaac and Violet) serve in Children’s Ministry with me, experiencing love together! Some of the deepest friendships I have, both within the church and outside the church, are with people I have served with. There is something special about having a shared passion and working hard side-by-side with someone else. At Greater Portland Bible Church, it is so inspiring when God unites us in mission together!

This weekend, we have an opportunity to show God’s love to the SW Portland community as we host Family Jam, a safe and fun Halloween carnival, on Sunday from 5:30-7:30 PM! I love this event because we get to know our neighbors and invite in those who may not be willing to come into our church otherwise. Our faith community has always joined together to love our neighbors, and I’m looking forward to once again demonstrating Jesus’ love while serving along all of you at Family Jam!

Here is a sneak peak into our 9-hole, glow-in-the-dark mini golf course!


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Dana Oct 30, 2021 6:46pm

Thanks Sally for sharing your heart with us and ministering to our kids, parents and neighbors. What a blessing you are to our neighbors and all of us at GPBC. See you in ministry!
Love and blessings,
Dana ❤️
