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Presence Within the Cloud

Posted by Caris Power on

By Caris Power--

Two weeks ago I found myself in a funk. Despite my generally positive life circumstances, I was seriously contending with a spirit of discouragement within myself. Hope felt elusive. Doubt and pessimism fought to be the primary voices in my head. My overall disposition was undoubtedly a combination of many things: spiritual warfare as I was starting a new ministry with young adults last week, self-doubt, weariness, and feeling overwhelmed by the needs of so many around me. I felt like I was very alone in a dark cloud. 

Then God…

Then God…placed me in a workshop with other church leaders from across the city last Thursday. 
At the end of the workshop as we worshiped, they asked anyone who was feeling a lack of hope to raise their hand. It was hard, but I closed my eyes tight, raised my hand, and felt the power of Christian brothers and sisters (who I did not know) laying hands on me, supporting me, and praying for the restoration of hope in my life. At the end, one young woman also approached me with a personal word she felt like God had for me. I felt raw afterwards and the cloud continued to pervade my spirit, but I also felt so deeply attended to by God’s people.

Then God…gave me close female friends and prayer partners that meet monthly to pursue Jesus and uphold one another in prayer.  
As we met on Saturday and I shared how I was feeling, they reminded me that our God has often been described as residing in a dark cloud. (Just read Exodus.) Instead of expecting God to be far off because of how I was feeling, I found myself now looking within my cloud for his presence and his work in me. The fresh perspective kindled a spark of hope.

Then God…set me within a church small group. 
As I shared about my cloud with my small group on Monday, others also began sharing about their own personal fights with hopelessness, darkness, weariness, and apathy. I wasn’t alone in this. Others understood what I was going through and were there to support and walk with me through it. That makes a difference.

Then God…gifted our church with an elder team who makes supporting and encouraging its staff a priority. 
As I was invited into their meeting on Tuesday, these godly men spoke words and prayers of affirmation, love, appreciation, and support and built this sister up. Cloud or no cloud, these men have my back not only in their leadership but in their love. 

So why do I tell you these things? It certainly isn’t to describe some definitive way to shake off depression and despair. In fact, this cloud of mine, it’s still hanging around. The point is two-fold. First, God is so very present in our dark clouds even when we can’t see or sense him. I think knowing that makes a difference. Second, we need each other. There is a reason that our mission statement as a church is “helping people follow Jesus together.” I needed the strangers at the workshop, my prayer group ladies, my small group, and the elder team this past week. Each were prearranged by my good God to minister to my spirit as I had needed. He’s amazing!

But it’s also exactly how God has designed the Church to be. Did you know there are 59 “one another” commands in the New Testament, directives on how we are to act towards another person? At a minimum, my four encounters last week each clearly illustrated one major “one another.”

  • The workshop believers obeyed the command to “pray for each other.” (James 5:16)
  • My prayer group ladies observed the beautiful directive to “instruct one another.” (Romans 15:14)
  • My church small group took up the call to “carry each other’s burdens.” (Galatians 6:2)
  • And the elders took to heart the scriptures where we are told to “encourage each other and build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Through these 59 “one anothers,” God thoroughly conveys how important how we relate to one another is. I would encourage you to review the 59 “one anothers” this week, and ask the Lord to give you an opportunity to be a “then God” example for someone else. And for those of you residing in a cloud right now, know you are not alone. I’m praying for you this week. May you be able to look back next week and see your own “then God” moments. 


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Anonymous Oct 1, 2021 12:55pm

So heart felt and articulate. What Blessing you are Caris.
