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The Great I AM

Posted by David Smith on

Before Abraham was, I am. I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world. I am the door. I am the good shepherd. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the true vine. I am the way, the truth and the life.

This week, Wayne is beginning a series on these eight “I AM” statements in the book of John. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I am really excited for what the Holy Spirit may have in store for our community through this series. As a faith community, our mission is "helping people follow Jesus together" and what better way to draw closer to Jesus than to explore the very words he used to describe himself. In this series, we’ll be able to take a glimpse into the very nature of God, displayed in Jesus, and who we are in light of who He is.

I don’t know about you, but when we start a new series, there is a tendency for me to be excited for it, but it kind of stops there. I find myself just going through the motions of letting the series begin without very much thought or prayer. I want to challenge myself and us as a faith community to approach this series with a “holy expectancy.” In his book, Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster describes holy expectancy as when we gather together as God’s people, believing that we “would actually hear the Kol Yahweh, the voice of God.” It is gathering “with anticipation, knowing that Christ [is] present among [us].”

Foster gives some practical advice on how to enter a gathering with this holy expectancy: “Live throughout the week as an heir of the kingdom, listening to his voice, obeying his word. Since you have heard his voice throughout the week, you know that you will hear his voice as you gather for public worship. Enter the service ten minutes early. Lift your heart in adoration to the King of glory. Contemplate his majesty, glory, and tenderness as revealed in Jesus Christ. Picture the marvelous vision that Isaiah had of the Lord ‘high and lifted up’ or the magnificent revelation that John had of Christ with eyes ‘like a flame of fire’ and voice ‘like the sound of many waters’ (Isa. 6; Rev.1). Invite the real Presence to manifest.” (from Celebration of Discipline, Chapter 11)

Let’s invite the real Presence to manifest as we meet together this week and let’s approach this series with a holy expectancy, knowing that Jesus is present among us and that his Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.


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