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What Does God Have For Us in 2021?

Posted by Greg Lunsford on

By Greg Lunsford--

Remember 2020?  That was a wild ride. 

There is something about taking last year's calendar off the wall and replacing it with the new year’s calendar. Taking down the old calendar typically is a reminder of the appointments, dinner with friends and family, trips, hundreds of soccer practices, and the miscellaneous events that we fill our lives with during the year.

Instead, our 2020 calendars may have been filled with big red x’s or many plans frustratingly etched out.  It is a sobering reminder that our world was halted for what seemed like an eternity for some.

I, for one, am excited to put the 2021 calendar up.  Not because we are out of the woods of the season we are in right now, but more because there are no longer the big red x’s and exasperated pen marks that have scribbled out yet another hopeful plan.

 Instead, my 2021 calendar is chocked-full of empty boxes. 

Now I understand for the planners out there this may be a total stressor, but for those of us that live for spontaneity, those blank boxes are full of adventure and excitement that we just have not discovered yet. 

Those not yet filled in days bring me hope. Those empty boxes do not signify things that are not there, rather, they point us to a question that we should be asking:

 God, what do you have for me today?

 Who will you put in my life today? What conversations will I be having today?  What are you teaching me today? How can I grow closer to Jesus today? Should I swim in the Willamette River? 

Whether you are a planner or live life off-the-cuff, fill the empty areas of your 2021 calendar with, “God, what do you have for me today?” 

For the planner, this will set your heart at peace because I promise you, God has something for each of us every day of our lives. That question will allow you to plan on interacting with God throughout your days.

For those that thrive in the unknown, this will excite you since you do not know what God has for each day and we get to spend each day discovering just what that is. This question will keep our eyes open for all that God has in store for us. 

Even in the empty spaces and the unknown events of 2021, we can take heart knowing that God is with us, is leading us, and is teaching us. The great unknown for us as Jesus followers is just what it is he has for us.

Greater Portland Bible Church let us burst into 2021 with wide open hearts ready for amazing interactions with our loving and caring God! 


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Joyce Wachsmuth Jan 1, 2021 10:21pm

Great blog! Thank you, pastor! Joining you with a "wide open heart ready for the amazing interaction with my loving and caring God!

Marty Larson Jan 2, 2021 8:54am

Wow, what a great point and illustration! I, too, want to be excited to see how God will fill in the days. In order to get the full benefit from that I need to not only ask Him each day what He wants to do, but also look for what He is doing throughout the day. Thanks!
