If you’ve been part of GPBC for a while, you probably know we have a Stephen Ministry program. But you may have questions about Stephen Ministry, such as: “Would what I am going through be a good situation for having a Stephen...
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The Divine is in the Details?
I came across an interesting article about church leadership the other day. I'd encourage you to read it: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/detail-oriented-church/ And it got me thinking....When I think of Church, I think relationships...
Alone in a Crowded Room
Have you ever walked into a crowded room and felt completely alone? There are times when we are with people, but don’t feel connected...
“What Should I Say When...?” Video Clip: The Power of Empathy
I have often heard the question, “What should I say when...?” The question ends with a description of a painful situation such as...my friend is grieving his father’s death...my co-worker comes to me in tears...my neighbor wants...
36 and Single
36 and single. Why do I feel like I have to explain that? And why, if I mention that I’m doing anything that may change that classification (saying yes to a blind date, signing up for online dating, etc…), do I seem to receive...
"One Anothers" I Can't Find In The New Testament
One of the main values of Greater Portland Bible Church is community. We are following Jesus together and we want all of our relationships to be characterized by our commitment to him and to one another....