Investing in Eternity

Posted by John Brunton on

The theme for our Global Partnership Emphasis this year was “Investing in Eternity” and our key verse was Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for...

Tweener Times

Posted by Wayne Williams on

I have written before about how I enjoy the time between seasons more than the actual seasons themselves. There is a mixture of both relief and anticipation in these ‘tweener’ times. Relief, for example, that winter is over and anticipation of the spring and summer ahead. A mixture...

A Community Sunday of Praise

Posted by David Smith on

We are coming up on A Community Sunday of Praise this Sunday, May 29. Our Worship Pastor and his wife, David and Ruth Smith, created this video to share what they are praising God for. Take a peek by clicking here!  

An Underlying Reality

Posted by Blake Wilkes on

Time continues to march on. Soon it will be one whole year that Lana and I have been calling all of you our Faith Community and Family. I can’t believe that it has been almost a year. Time has gone by so quickly and yet there is still so much to learn and there are still so many people to...

More Than Food

Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

Serving in the food pantry of our church is about more than the food we provide for our own community and the community at large. I serve as a leader once a month on Saturday with a team of 8-10 people. This past week Janice Fry, our director, who oversees the ministry team met with the team...

Endings and Beginnings

Posted by John Brunton on

I always enjoy our Global Partnership (GP) Emphasis each year; the guest speakers, the testimonies of our community members who faithfully pledge support to our Global Partners, the Skype sessions with some of our GPs and just knowing that our community makes supporting them a priority...

Jesus: Our True Global Partner

Posted by David Smith on

What a privilege it has been these past two weeks to witness what God is doing around the world through our community’s Global Partnership Emphasis. We have been blessed to hear from two wonderful guest speakers and to hear directly from the Brunes and Andersons—two of our Global...


Posted by Sally Bland on

Springtime is a busy time of year in our household.  The kids are busy with school projects, sports, and other activities.  James and I are busy with work, coaching, and shuttling the kids around.  Sometimes we get caught up in our busyness and do not always recognize or thank God...


Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

This week our staff went to John and Dodie Brunton’s beach home in Seaview, Washington. Their home has been in Dodie’s family for many years and they were so willing and giving of their resources to bless us. Thank you John and Dodie! For the first time we invited our spouses to come...

Camping Season is Here Again!

Posted by Blake Wilkes on

It’s spring again! The sun is up longer and the temperatures are warmer. Even I, a person who enjoys rainy days, can’t help but appreciate the warm rays of sunshine that God is sending down on us. But the best part of all of this is that it’s camping season once again! It makes...