
Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

First of all, I want to thank the elders and the church for the wonderful gift of a trip to Hawaii. In July/August Doug and I went to Hawaii for three weeks. We went to the big island, the island that I call home, as well as a trip to Maui. I enjoy swimming and being in the blue water always...

Youth Mission

Posted by Blake Wilkes on

In one week the youth will begin their mission trip. We aren’t going to some far off land or some exotic place. We aren’t headed across the country to another city or a rural setting. Nope, instead we are headed to where we are now, Portland. Our hometown where we go to school, work...

Faith Community

Posted by Sally Bland on

It’s hard to believe it’s August already! The summer months seem to fly by more quickly than any other season. This month the children’s programs will be focusing on what it means to be in a Faith Community, where God’s family cares for each other and worships God...

Pray for Boldness

Posted by Wayne Williams on

“If you hear someday that I’m in prison, please pray for me.” The comment was made offhandedly, half-jokingly by Pastor Alexey Shipovski in his sermon to us last Sunday. But the reality out of which his comment arises is no laughing matter. The government of Russia has recently...

Being Love in a World of Hate

Posted by David Smith on

Simply watching the news or scrolling down your Facebook feed can be pretty discouraging these days. With further connectedness through technology and social media, it seems that we are increasingly being exposed more and more to the hate and brokenness of our world. We all react in various ways...

For We Are God's Masterpiece

Posted by Blake Wilkes on

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece”. This is quite a statement from our God, especially this past weekend as I looked out over the blue mirror that is Crater Lake. It was Lana and I’s first visit to the imploded volcano and we had no idea what to expect...


Posted by Wayne Williams on

For more than six weeks now, Paulette and I have been on the receiving end of fellowship. We made the move to our new home on Father’s Day weekend. In the weeks before our move and in the weeks since, very many of you in our church family have “fellowshipped” by sharing your...

Lazy Days

Posted by Sally Bland on

I love this time of year! School is out and the sun is shining! Our family likes to take advantage of the lazy days without a schedule to spend time with each other. Summer also frees up time allowing us to focus more on God. As we do so we become more mature in our faith growing closer to God...

So That

Posted by David Smith on

This Sunday, we have the privilege of hearing John Chang teach on John 17. As I have been reading over this famous passage of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples (known by many as “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer), I have been especially struck by these few verses: “As you...

Plan "B"

Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

What do you do when things you have planned are altered by God and His plans? What do you do when you know that God is the blessed controller of all things and there is nothing you can do? My walk with Christ is many times going from plan “A” to plan “B”. When plans are...