The Word of Life

Posted by David Smith on

This past Wednesday, we had our second-ever quarterly Worship & Prayer Night. Thank you to all who were able to come out and worship together! Our theme for this Worship & Prayer Night was The Word of Life. We celebrated the truth that God the Father has revealed Himself to us through...

Are Vacations Godly?

Posted by Wayne Williams on

Are vacations godly? Are they biblical? I think so. I hope so since I’ve got a couple of weeks away scheduled for this summer. As far as I could discover, the word ‘vacation’ isn’t in the Bible, not even in the Greek or Hebrew. Not even in The Message. Of course, you...


Posted by David Smith on

This past January, I had the privilege of taking a 15-week course called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. I was encouraged to take this course by the leadership of GPBC and the Global Partnership Team to help me further grow in my role as Global Partner Pastor. To be honest, I...

Summer with Jesus

Posted by Wayne Williams on

Summer?! Already?! Yes, it’s official, we are in the first full week of Summer. It has become the norm in almost every conversation for someone to comment, “my, how time flies. Why, it seems like Easter was just two weeks ago and Christmas just the week before that.” Do you...

When did your story become God's story?

Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

I’m sitting here in my office at home looking at my beautiful garden being watered by the rain. Of course, I love the sunshine but when it rains I’m so grateful because that means I don’t have to do the watering! I also began thinking about how God has been so good to me and I...

Reflecting Jesus

Posted by Sally Bland on

The school year is almost over! Summer brings new opportunities for us to reflect Jesus to those around us. Whether we are at the pool cooling off from another hot day, gardening in our yard, or just out for a evening stroll we can interact with our neighbors. Do you take advantage of these...

The Good Life

Posted by Blake Wilkes on

In just over a month, the students of Ignite Student Ministry will be headed out east to Montana. We will be on a mission trip to the Black Feet Nation Native American Reservation in the northwest part of Montana. It is shaping up to be quite a trip already, and we are not even there yet! A few...

God's Spirit Is With Us

Posted by Janet Nordlund on

“All over the country—Judea, Samaria, Galilee (Portland)—the church grew. They were permeated with a deep sense of reverence for God. The Holy Spirit was with them, strengthening them. They prospered wonderfully.”  Acts 9:31 This Sunday, May 28, is Community...

Together for the Gospel

Posted by David Smith on

On behalf of the Global Partnership Team and leadership of GPBC, I want to say “Thank You!” to you, our faith community, for helping make our Global Partnership Emphasis a great success. And when I say success, I not only mean the amount of pledges we have received but the overall...

Thank You, Mom


Posted by Wayne Williams on

Allow me if you will, on this Mother’s Day weekend, to pay homage to my own mother. She is 92 years old and I’m sure as I can be that she won’t make it to 93. She is in the last days of her life— on this earth, that is. Dad finished his life here and has been with our...