Part of the Body of Christ


Posted by Myrna Hill on

By Myrna Hill-- Do you attend Greater Portland Bible Church? Or are you a part of the body of Christ at Greater Portland Bible Church? You might be asking, "What is the difference? Aren’t they the same thing?" Not really.In my years growing up in the church, I attended every chance I...

Get Out and Serve

Posted by Janet Nordlund on

By Janet Nordlund--   This Sunday, August 29th, is GET OUT and SERVE Community Sunday!!! "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and...


Posted by Greg Lunsford on

By Greg Lunsford-- I don’t know about all of you, but God has been working on my heart so much during this Nehemiah: A Story of Restoration series. Each week as I pray, study, prepare, and write, it seems God has been working on my own heart through it all.When I first went through...

What Do I See?

Posted by Richard McElroy on

By Richard McElroy-- What do I see? Baby chicks hatching! Hot brown grass, screaming, thirsty for want of water...summer chores awaiting...and thinking about meeting my four brothers and sisters. What will I see? It’s been almost two years since my younger sister, my two older brothers...

How Did I Miss This?


Posted by Ty Andersen on

By Ty Andersen-- Since becoming a Christian 32 years ago, I have sought God in an attempt to make sense of the world and how I can fit in The Big Picture. My most recent method of processing the Word of God - consuming it more frequently - has led me on an exhilarating ride that bends my mind...

Finishing Well

Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

By Joyce Wachsmuth-- This past week our grandson Caleb, who is nineteen years old, participated in the Half Iron Man Race in Salem, Oregon. The race is a long distance triathlon of 70.3 miles, which includes 1.2 miles of  swimming, 56 miles of biking, and 13.1 miles of running. It was...

Spending Time Together

Posted by Paul Hill on

By Paul Hill-- During the campout of 2019, I was sitting at a table with Wayne and Paulette Williams, and Marilynn Linscheid. Someone proposed that I take the helm of the campout. The previous person had taken on other responsibilities, and announced ending any involvement. I've held numerous...

Three Answers to Prayer


Posted by Joanie Nutter on

By Joanie Nutter-- This past year God got my full attention and answered the cry of my heart, which is to have opportunity to share my faith in a practical way with those He reveals to me.   In January we were able to respond to the need of a young woman who was in a difficult situation...

How is Your Vision?


Posted by Lee Sellick on

By Lee Sellick-- Do you see clearly?   Wearing glasses is relatively new for me. What I notice most are the smudges and scratches, not the subject of my interest in the distance! I am distracted. My focus is shortened to the bridge of my nose. Talk about short sighted!   “Now...



Posted by Lou Snyder on

By Lou Snyder-- James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” Being a follower of Christ since I was young, I have been aware of the many promises God...