Act Like a Child


Posted by Alyssa Pete on

Adulthood is boring. Yet for so long, I craved it. I craved the freedom, the responsibility, the independence, the control over my own life. In my short time as an adult, I’ve learned that all the things I craved can easily become distractions from – even barriers to &ndash...

Equipping the Saints

Posted by Greg Lunsford on

“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ...” Ephesians 4:11-2 I love church! There is a reason I love church. It is because I feel that is where I am my...


Posted by Stephen Hayden on

In 2013, I found out I was becoming a father. I sought much advice, received more than I asked for, and eventually took most of it with a grain of salt. However, the wisdom that stuck with me the deepest was a short conversation I had with my aunt Lynda. Lynda had been helping me out a lot...

Wilderness Days

Posted by Caris Power on

As this email arrives in your inbox, I’m on my way home from a Wilderness Day Retreat. Now, while I’d love for you all to think I’m an intense outdoorsy person who can survive in the woods with just her wits and her trusty hatchet, let me say right out of the gate that...

Making Memories, Building Lasting Relationships

Posted by Paul Hill on

By Paul Hill As I'm sitting here, I've just come back from the memorial of a classmate I've known since 8th grade. Jeff died of liver failure. It was six weeks from the diagnosis until his death. Just six weeks. As with so many, Jeff believed he had more time, so he kept postponing putting his...


Posted by Miriam Won on

By Miriam Won The word ‘mother’ evokes in each person some kind of deep emotions. While some are filled with love and gratitude for our mothers, many others are filled with feelings like hurt, shame, loss, resentment, anger regret, or the constant reminder that you are never good...


Posted by Richard McElroy on

I watched, just minutes ago, the ground outside my window turn white as hail filled the air. A white covering just appearing, blanketing everything with a thin layer of icy pellets. Now, the sun is shining spring-bright. All the greens and leaf-yellows of new growth on the trees and bushes...

God is Working Around the World

Posted by Sally Bland on

By Sally Bland-- “People will come from east and west and north and south and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.”– Luke 13:29 I love this time of year when we at GPBC celebrate how God is working around the world through our global partners! It’s...

Help in the Wilderness Moments

Posted by Jane Lewis on

By Jane Lewis-- This past Wednesday was the beginning of our Lenten season, and what some Christian denominations refer to as “Ash Wednesday.” I remember both in my youth and young adult life going to mass on this day and receiving the incense-infused ashes spread on my forehead in...

Of Shepherds

Posted by Wayne Williams on

By Wayne Williams-- “Shepherd” is one of the main metaphors of the Bible. Unless it’s talking about the actual occupation of sheep herding, “shepherd” is always a metaphor for leadership. Whether it’s family leadership (parents), religious/church...