Prepare Him Room


Posted by Jane Lewis on

Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room… Greetings to you in the glorious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May you find in this very moment, a filling of His loving presence in your heart. Christmastime...

A Dream Fulfilled


Posted by Crystal Livingston on

For a very long time I’ve longed to be a mom, but it has not yet happened. Over the years, I’ve investigated many different options, most of which either didn’t feel right or the door didn’t open to them, until one day a new avenue was presented to me. Only after much...

Connection Points

Posted by Susan Fleming on

I love our church family. So many of you have played a significant role in who God is shaping me to be. In the moment, often neither you nor I know that your words and actions have as much impact as they do, but I am trying to be more intentional in recognizing and reflecting on how God is using...

Advertising God


Posted by Wayne Williams on

I recently rediscovered a spiritual mentor from my young adulthood. He and I didn’t meet regularly for discipleship, in fact, I don’t think we ever met at all. The only relationship I had with him was through his books and one seminar my wife and I attended where he was the speaker...

Halloween At Home

Posted by Sally Bland on

Who comes to mind when you read Mark 12:31 and Jesus tells us to love our neighbors? I’ve asked myself this question many times and I have found the answer is…anyone who is in my vicinity. My neighbors include my coworkers, parents sitting next to me at a football game, even the...

Slow Formation


Posted by Sara Bettinger on

I really think I’m slowly, slowly being formed by reading the Bible. That may sound obvious or expected because when we decide to follow Jesus we are told that the Bible is God’s word and we should read it, so of course it’s going to form you. I don’t know about you but...

In What Do You Take Delight?


Posted by Leslie Hillman on

Psalm 133:1 says, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell togetherin unity!" In Spanish: “¡Cuán bueno y cuán agradable es que los hermanos convivan en armonía!” I believe God takes delight when we come together and serve others in...

A Call to Care for the Hurting


Posted by Mitch Lea on

Is summer over? Heck no!! Sure, Labor Day weekend is here and some of you will have your kids back in school, and some of you will be back in school yourself, but that doesn’t mean your summer has to end. Remember, the sun is still out and there are weekends. Yes, this is the time of...

In Step with the Spirit


Posted by Rebecca Bamikole on

Hello Greater Portland family! Early this summer I had the privilege of taking two theology classes for work and I learned so much from them! So when I was asked if I could encourage our church family, I decided to share a bit from a paper I wrote about the role of the Holy Spirit specifically...

The Big Thing About Small Groups

Posted by Jack Won on

As the summer season begins to wind down and fall approaches, many of us start thinking and planning for fall, a new school year, and the holidays. September seems to be a launching of new things. The same is true for our church community at GPBC. VBS, the All Church Campout, the Spain mission...